Sexual, psychological or discriminatory harassment: these situations are found more often that you might think in Canadian workplaces. 19% of women and 13% of men have been victims at least once in their careers. Learn how to recognize it to know how to react accordingly. Is it harassment? To know how to respond, the first […]
Although the disappearance of bees is not new, awareness of their mortality is relatively recent and all the more necessary as the consequences could be dramatic for humanity. While some specialists say that more than 50% of our food depends on apiculture, will technology be able to stem this scourge? A species in […]
In the last few years, 3D printing has experienced a real turning point with additive metal printing. Customized manufactured parts, light weight, reduction of costs and lead times are among the factors that have led aerospace participants to get into 3D metal printing by taking on partnerships with specialists in the field. Evolution of 3D […]
Although it has been noted and denounced for years, women remain underrepresented in the fields of science and research. Despite the existence of disparities between countries, the underlying trend remains the same: the level of education of young women is increasing without significant effects on the number of researchers or laureates in the sciences. […]
Presentations to teams or decision-makers is a recurring exercise for the project manager. How do you avoid putting your audience to sleep? What techniques are there to pass your message on effectively? 1 – Don’t rush into PowerPoint “The worst thing to do is to create your own material directly without having thought about your […]
Looking for an employer is becoming more and more like looking for… a spouse! An increasing number of employees are looking for the perfect match. A recent survey by the Robert Half firm reveals that 2 Canadians out of 5 would be willing to turn down the job of their dreams if they disagreed with […]
When an employee resigns it is becoming more and more common to conduct an exit interview. How is it conducted? What do you gain from it? We spoke to Émilie Pelletier, CHRP and HR marketing and communication strategist at HRM Group. Less known than the hiring interview, the exit interview is gaining popularity among organizations […]
With the transition to a greener economy, a panel of experts believes there will be immense needs in “sustainable finance”. What’s it all about? Investing in building renovation for better energy efficiency, taking out a “green loan” to finance a project oriented towards sustainability or supporting innovation in green technologies: these are all practical ways […]
The most apocalyptic forecasts say there is a high probability that jobs will be destroyed en mass by artificial intelligence and automation. The most optimistic believe on the contrary that technological progress creates jobs. Reality is somewhere in the middle. There will certainly be changes, but you can anticipate them and train yourself accordingly. Developing […]
The world of employment is not what it used to be. As well, certain classic job search tips no longer apply, according to Forbes magazine, which recently drew up a list of tips to discard. To be a good job seeker of the day, here are recommendations and general advice not to follow. The job […]
Launched in 2013 by President Xi Jinping when he took power, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aims to resurrect the mythical Silk Road between China and Europe, through construction of infrastructure in nearly 70 countries. But what is behind this titanic project that would affect one-third of the world’s economy and two-thirds of the […]
Since it was built (more than 16 centuries ago), Venice has always aroused attention and curiosity by its architecture, its paintings, its sailors… Today, it’s the high water levels that agitate Venetians and tourists, as well as the scientific community. Can the highly ambitious MOSE project end the ever-higher and more frequent floodings of St. […]