Your difference is the difference
Do you love to develop and share great ideas? Do you believe your insights can drive people forward? Do you appreciate working with others and building on mutual successes? Perfect. We do, too.
As an employee-owned company, we foster a culture where our people can thrive - and by thrive, we mean a place where you can share your ingenuity, express your difference, and grow in your very own way. Whatever your area, no matter your grade, your unique skills and perspective will help drive change from operations to the C-suite, across a wide of range of projects and channels.
Are you ready to build a future that's uniquely yours? Join our award-winning team and make a difference that defines you.
We are looking for an experienced Senior Civil Engineer in our St. John's office the to lead and oversee the planning, design, and execution of civil / municipal infrastructure projects.
The ideal candidate must have a robust background in civil engineering, with a strong focus on municipal systems, and a proven track record of successful project management. As a Senior Civil Engineer, you will play a pivotal role in enhancing community infrastructure and ensuring the delivery of high-quality, cost-effective solutions.
Your better starts here
We don't settle for less, and neither should you. As it happens, offering great benefits to our people is entirely possible: the numbers work out. Happy teams mean happy clients. It's just that simple. From recruitment to flexibility, learning to leadership, wellness to inclusion, we give our people the tools they need to outperform in their careers and build lasting connections with our clients, our culture, and each other.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Accommodations:
At RVA, we are committed to fostering a workforce that reflects the diversity of the communities in which we operate. RVA is an Equal Opportunity Employer that considers applicants without regard to age, race, colour, national origin, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, religion, creed, marital status, disability, or any other protected status. If you require any special accommodations, please advise Human Resources. Any information received relating to accommodations will be treated as confidential.