Casual Waste Facility Labourer

August 28 2024
Industries Public administration
Categories Environment, Trades, Manual, Operator, Machinist,
Iqaluit, NU • Full time

Employment Opportunity

Title: Casual Waste Facility Operator

Department: Public Works

Status: Full-time, Permanent

Salary: $27.30 per hour

Settlement Allowance: $10.43 per hour

Under the direction of the Landfill Foreman, the Waste Facility labourer provides general labour services to the Ciy of Iqaluit's landfill and assists in carrying out municipal services within the Public Works Department.

These services include garbage removal, operating the compactor, cleaning/sorting of landfill waste and providing assistance to the public. In this role, you would find yourself performing maintenance checks on equipment, maintaining and repairing fencing for aesthetics and site security, compaction and covering of waste, snow and ice removal and record keeping.

The incumbent must be dependable, punctual, physically fit, and must be willing to work in harsh outdoor weather conditions in areas with obnoxious smells. They must also be responsible and capable to work independently, as well as in a team setting and be able to handle working under time constraints.

What is required of this position?

  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Class 3 Driver's License
  • Confident in reading and writing reports and other documents
  • Physically fit with the ability to lift up to 30lbs
  • Ability to follow directions and instructions
  • Capability to perform duties safely and efficiently

Assets include:

  • Knowledge and or experience with WHMIS
  • The ability to speak in Inuktitut and or French
  • Experience working for a municipality

Equivalencies that include a combination of education, knowledge, skills and abilities to formal education may be considered.

Due to the nature of this position, a Criminal Record and driver's abstract are required of this position.

  • The City of Iqaluit embraces the intent and spirit of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. Priority will be given to Nunavut Inuit; Candidates must clearly identify their eligibility in order to receive consideration under this agreement.
  • Only those selected to interview will be contacted


ᑕᐃᔭᐅᔾᔪᑎñ: ᓴᓂᓕᕆᕝᕕᒻᒥ ᐊᐅᓚᑦᑎᔨ

ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔭᕐᕕñ: ᓴᓇᔪᓕᕆᔨᒃᑯᑦ

ñᓄᐃᑦᑑᓂñ: ñᐅᑕᒫñᑐñᓯᐅᑎ, ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔭñᑎᐅñᓐᓇᓕᕐᓗᓂ

ᑮᓇᐅᔭᓕᐊñ: $27.30 hourly

ᓄᓇᓕᕐᒥᐅᑕᐅᓂᕐᒧᑦ ᐃᑲᔫᓯᐊᑦᓴñᑦ: $10.43 hourly

ᔫᓐᓂᐊᓕᕆᔩᑦ: ᔫᓐᓂᐊᓐᓕᕆᔨᓄᑦ ᐃᓚᒋᔭᐅᔪñ

ᒪᑐᕕᑦᓴñ: ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔭñᑎñᕋᓱᓐᓂñᓐᓂ

ᑎᓕᒐᕆᓗᓂᐅᒃ ᐊᑦᓯᕕᒻᒥ ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔭñᑎᓄᑦ ᓯᕗᓕñᑎᐅᑉ, ᓴᓂᓕᕆᕝᕕᒻᒥ ᐊᐅᓚᑦᑎᔨ ñᓄᑐᐃᓐᓇñ ᐊᑦᓱᕉᓴᒋᐊñᓚᐅñᐸᓪᓗᓂ ᐱᔨᑦᓯᕋñᑎᐅᕙᑦᑐñ ᓄᓇᓕᐸᐅᔭᐃᑦ ᐃñᓗᐃᑦ ᐊᑦᓯᕕñᑎñᓂ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐃᑲᔪñᐸᑦᑐᓂ ᓄᓇᓕᓐᓂ ᐱᔨᑦᓯᕋñᑎᓂᒃ ᐃᓗᐊᓂ ᓴᓇᔪᓕᕆᔨᒃᑯᑦ ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔭᕐᕕñᑕ.

ᐱᓯᑦᓯᕋᐅᑎᓄᑦ ᐃᓚᒋᔭᐅᔪᑦ ᓴᓂᕐᓂᒃ ᓅᑎᕆᓂñ, ᐊᐅᓚᑦᑎᓂñ ᓴᓂᕐᓂᒃ ᓇᕿᑦᑕᐅᑎᒥᒃ, ᓴᓗᒻᒪᕐᓴᐃᕙᓐᓂᐊñ/ᐊᒡᒍñᑐᐃᕙᓐᓂñ ᐊᑦᓯᕕᒻᒥ ᓴᓂᕐᓂᒃ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐃᑲᔪñᐸᑦᑐᓂ ᑭᒃᑯᑐᐃᓐᓇᕐᓂᒃ ᐊᑦᓯᕕᓕᐊñᑐᓂᒃ. ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔮᒃᑯᑦ, ᐃᓕᓐᓂᒃ ᑕᑯᒐᔭñᑐᑎᑦ ᓱᓇᒃᑯñᓂᒃ ᓴᓇᕙᓪᓗᑎᑦ ᐊᒻᒪ ñᐅᔨᓴñᐸᓪᓗᑎᑦ ᓱᕋᓕññᒃᑲᓗᐊᕐᒪñᑕ ᐊᒻᒪ ᓴᓇᕙᓪᓗᑎᑦ ᐊᕙᓗᒥᒃ ᐃᓯñᑕᐅᓕᒪᔾᔪᑎᒥᒃ ᓱᓇᒃᑯñᒃᑯᕕᒻᒧᑦ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐊᑦᓯᕕᒃ ᐸᕝᕕᓴᑦᑕᐅñᓇᒍ, ᓇᕿᑎᕆᕙᓪᓗᑎᑦ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐅᓕᑉᐸᓪᓗᒋᑦ ᓴᓃᑦ, ᐊᐳᑕᐃᔭᐃᕙᓪᓗᑎᑦ ᐊᒻᒪ ᓂᓚᐃᔭᐃᕙᓪᓗᑎᑦ ᐊᒻᒪ ᑎᑎᕋñᐸᓪᓗᒋᑦ ᐱᓕᕆᐊᑎᑦ.

ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔭñᑎᑦᓴñ ᑕᑎᒋᔭᕐᓂᕆᐊᓕᒃ, ᑭñᕙñᐸñᓪᓗᓂ, ᑎᒥñ ñᓄᐃñᓪᓗᓂ, ᐊᒻᒪ ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔭᕈᓐᓇᑦᑎᐊᕐᓗᓂ ᓯᓚᒥ ᓯᓚᕈᔫᒐᓗᐊñᑎᓪᓗᒍ ᑎᐱᓗᑦᑐᐊᓗᒻᒥ. ᐃᑉᐱᒍᓱᑦᑎᐅᑦᑎᐊᕆᐊñᑦ ᐱᓕᕆᐊᑦᓴᒥᓂᒃ, ᐃᓄᑑᓗᑎᑦ ᐱᓕᕆᔪᓐᓇᕐᓗᑎᒃ, ᐊᒻᒪᑦᑕᐅñ ᐊᓯᒥᓂᒃ ᐱᓕᕆñᑎñᕈᓐᓇᕐᓗᓂ ᐊᒻᒪ ᑐᐊᕕᐊñᕈᓐᓇᕐᓗᓂ ᑐᐊᕕᐊñᔭᕆᐊññᐸᑦᑐᓂᒃ.

ᓱᓇᓂᒃ ᐊᑐᕐᓯᒪᒋᐊñᕐᒪᑦ ᐆᕗñ ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔮᑦᓴᒧᑦ?

  • ᐃᓕᓐᓂᐊᕐᕕᐊᓗᒻᒥᒃ ᐱᔭᕇᕈᑎñᕐᓗᓂ ᐅᕝᕙᓘᓐᓃᑦ ᐊᔾᔨᐸᓗᐊᓂᒃ*
  • ᓇᓗᓇᐃᒃᑯᑎᓕᒻᒥᒃ 3 ᐊñᑦᑐñᓯᐅᑎñᕆᐊᓕᒃ ᓄᓇᕗᒥ
  • ᐅñᓕᒫᕈᓐᓇᑦᑎᐊᕐᓗᓂ ᓇᓗᕙññᓪᓗᓂ ᐊᒻᒪ ᑎᑎᕋᕈᓐᓇᕐᓗᓂ ᐅᓂᒃᑳᑦᓴᓂᒃ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐊᓯñᓐᓂᒃ ᑎᑎñᑲᓂᒃ
  • ᑎᒥᒃᑯᑦ ñᓄᐃñᑦᑎᐊᕆᐊᓕᒃ ᑭᕕᑦᓯᔪᓐᓇᕐᓗᓂ ᐅñᒪᐃᓐᓂᓕᓐᓂᒃ 30 ᐸᐅᓐᓂᒃ
  • ᑎᓕᔭᐅᒍᓂ ᒪᓕᒍᓐᓇᕐᓗᓂ ᑎᓕᔭᐅᔾᔪᑎᒥᓂᒃ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐊᑐᐊᒐᐅᔪᓂᒃ
  • ᐱᓕᕆᔪᓐᓇᕆᐊᓕᒃ ᐊᑦᑕᓇᔾᔭᐃᕐᓯᒪᕙᓪᓗᓂ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐱᑦᑎᐊᐸᓪᓗᓂ

ᐱᕙᓪᓕᐅᑎᒍᓐᓇñᑐᑦ ᐅᑯᓂñ ᐱñᓯᐅᔾᔨᔪᑦ:

  • ñᐅᔨᒪᓂñ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐅᕝᕙᓘᓐᓃᑦ ᐱᓕᕆᓕᓯᒪᓂñ ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔭᕐᕕᓐᓂ ᐅᓗᕆᐊᓇñᑐᓂᒃ ᐊᐅᓚᑦᑎᔾᔪᑎᓂᒃ ᑐᑭᓯᐅᒪᐅᑎᓕᕆᓂᕐᒥᑦ
  • ᐅñᓕᒪᒍᓐᓇᕐᓂñ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐅᕝᕙᓘᓐᓃᑦ ᐅᐃñᑎᑐᑦ
  • ᐱᓕᕆᓚᐅᕐᓯᒪᓗᓂ ᓄᓇᓕᓐᓂ ᐊᐅᓚᑦᑎᔨᓄᑦ

ᐊᔾᔨᐸᓗñᑦ ᐱñᓯᐅᔾᔨᔪᑦ ᑲᑎᓯᒪᓗᑎᒃ ᐃᓕᓐᓂᐊᕈᑎᐅᓯᒪᔪᑦ, ñᐅᔨᒪᔭᐅᔪᑦ, ᐱᓕᒻᒪᓴᕐᓯᒪᔭᐅᔪᑦ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐱᔪᓐᓇñᑕᐅᓯᒪᔪᑦ ᐃᓕᓐᓂᐊᕈᑎᓪᓚᕆᓐᓄᑦ ᐃᓱᒪᑦᓴᕐᓯᐅᕈᑎᐅᔪᓐᓇñᑐᑦ.

ᐱᔾᔪᑎᒋᓪᓗᒍ ñᓄᐃᑦᑑᓂñ ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔮᑦᓴᐅᑉ, ᐃñᑲñᑐᐃᕕᑎᒍᑦ ñᓄᐃᓕᔭᐅᓚᐅᕐᓯᒪᒻᒪññ ñᐅᔨᓴñᑕᐅᒋᐊᓕᒃ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐊñᑯᑦᑐñᓯᐅᑎñᑕ ᐊᔾᔨññᐊñᓂᑦ ᐱᑎᑦᓯᒋᐊᓕᒃ.

  • ᓄᓇᓕᐸᐅᔭᐃᑦ ᐃñᓗᐃᑦ ᐃᓵᑦᓯᒪᕗᑦ ᐊᑑᑎᒋᓇᓱᐊñᑕñᓐᓂᑦ ᐊᒻᒪ ñᓄñ ᐊᑐñᑕᐅᓇᓱᐊᕐᓂñᓐᓂᑦ ᓄᓇᕘᒥᑦ ᓄᓇñᕈᑕᐅᓚᐅñᑐᒥ ᐊñᕈᑎᐅᑉ. ᓯᕗᓪᓕᐅᔾᔭᐅᕙᓐᓂᐊñᑐᑦ ᓄᓇᕗᑦᒥᐅᑕᐃᑦ ᐃᓄᐃᑦ; ᐃñᑲᓇᐃᔮᕐᓴññᕋᓱᑦᑐᑦ ᓇᓗᓇᐃᕐᓯᑦᓯᐊᕆᐊñᑦ ᐱᔪᓐᓇᐅᑎᒥᓂᒃ ᐃᓱᒪᒋᔭᐅᔪᒪᓂᐊᕈᑎᒃ ᐊñᕈᑎᒍᑦ
  • ñᐅᔨᒃᑲñᑕᐅᓂᐊñᑐᑦ ᑕᐃᒃᑯᐊ ᐊᐱᕐᓱñᑕᐅᔪᒪᓂᐊñᑐᑦ ᑭᓯᐊᓂ
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